Professional Content Writing Tips For Those Who Bake Delicious Content

If you are a content writer, or a freelance writer ( as some writers like to say it ) , you’d certainly be aware of the large numbers of competitors in this domain. The competition makes it quite hard for a newbie to stand out and establish himself as an expert in the writing niche.

If you too are one of those who are struggling to establish yourself as an expert, consider following these tips recommended by professionals to spice up your carrier.

Content Writing Tips

Write in Shorter Sentences

You don’t have to use jargons in order to sound professional. This is something that I was taught while providing professional technical content writing services in India. Don’t try to write longer sentences.

You will certainly lose a lot of audience. You should write articles that are comfortable for reading even by a 5th grader. A great way you can check your writing skills by running your posts to go through spell check in Microsoft word to know your level.

Apart from this, you can also identify any sort of spelling mistakes, and also your readability stats. This can be really a great tool to help in gauging your content and make sure that it is fully eligible.

Utilize Headings and Sub Headings

Human mind first tends to scan and go through images and headlines. Most of the readers visit the website in search and stay for a very short span of time.

This is why their mind tends to scan headlines and images first.

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Headlines are the prime thing when it comes to content. It is after reading headlines that readers decide whether they will continue reading the rest of article or not.

According to studies, 80% of readers would close the website if they don’t find the headline to be effective.

Use Storytelling

There is a strange fact that humans are attracted to stories. By adding a story, you can make the content much more effective and more scannable for readers.

Make your story short to medium, but if you have a long one, make sure it is engaging and spicy. There are tons of lessons on storytelling and researches that show that it really works.

Try to recall a story which is your personal account and use it if you find one. You can also cook up one if you don’t find any such stories, but make sure it sounds real.

Write What You Believe In

Critics and haters are always going to be there, you don’t need to divert your attention to them, just write what you believe and it would soon become successful.

Don’t write content only for search engines and bots. The content might get ranked but readers won’t be reading it after wards.

Write in pure form and make sure you always proof read your articles twice or may be more.

Further, don’t ever doubt yourself while writing.

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